Tuesday, November 23, 2010

May have (not)......

I may have not sent any msgs,
I may have not picked your calls.

I may have not made your day bright,
I may have not treated you right.

I may have not been there for you,
I may have not cared for you.

I may have not dared for you,
I may have not dreamed of you.

I may have not cried in your sorrow,
I may have not tried to change things better.

I may have not done nothing for you,
I have been nothing without you.

I may have not given you your respect,
All I have with me is a little love spared for you forever in me.
I may have all the visions in me (Vishn)
but I am incomplete without u. (Vishnu)

Sorry... Forgive me..

1 comment:

priyamanaval said...

Oh Vishu... reading your blog after a long time. Who does these lines address to. Who is the special someone i dont know ;)